Category: Movies
Brand: Disney
Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 4.4
Buyer Review : 873
Description : This Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One - Avengers Assembled (Iron Man / The Incredible Hulk / Iron Man 2 / Thor / Captain America: The First Avenger / The Avengers) [Blu-ray] functions excellent, simple to use and modify. The price of this became dramatically reduced compered to other areas My partner and i researches, and never much more as compared to similar item
This specific subject delivers overtake own prospect, that one has turned into a wonderfull buy for personally, The idea appeared securely along with quickly Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One - Avengers Assembled (Iron Man / The Incredible Hulk / Iron Man 2 / Thor / Captain America: The First Avenger / The Avengers) [Blu-ray]
This limited-edition, 10-disc Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One Collection will allow fans to immerse themselves in every aspect of Marvel’s elite Super Heroes. Complete with glowing Tesseract, this exciting collection includes stunning Blu-ray 3D™ and Blu-ray™ presentations of Marvel’s The Avengers, Captain America: The First Avenger and Thor , as well as Blu-ray™ versions of “Iron Man, Iron Man 2, and The Incredible Hulk in exclusive collectible packaging.
Contents Include:
• Marvel’s The Avengers film (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray)
• Captain America: The First Avenger film (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray)
• Thor film (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray)
• Iron Man 2 film (Blu-ray)
• The Incredible Hulk film (Blu-ray)
• Iron Man film (Blu-ray)
• Top-secret Bonus Disc
Features :
- Brand Name: BUENA VISTA HOME ENTERTAIMENT Mfg#: 786936826951 Shipping Weight: 5.00 lbs Manufacturer: WALT DISNEY STUDIOS HOME ENTER Genre: Action/Adventure All music products are properly licensed and guaranteed authentic.
Review :
It finally arrives.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase I Boxed set is the big promotional release containing all of the (current) canonical movies leading up to the release of Avengers that was captained by Joss Whedon. These are: Iron Man, Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger, and Marvel's The Avengers. This series sets up the first half of Whedon's vision for the Marvel cinematic future, with the Thanos (the purple-skinned bad guy that was finally revealed at the end of the Avengers) being the series' primary antagonist in coming features...
don't listen to all those 1-star ratings
Can't take the time to respond to all those negative 1-star complaints, especially with all the misinformation down there.
The retail price of this didn't change. Those who pre-ordered early got discounted pricing. Deep discounted pricing. If you weren't able to pre-order early or read the retail listing to determine your purchase date, don't complain through a review.
Amazon and Marvel did not screw us with a delay. Those who ordered before the lawsuit got the blu-ray of Avengers FOR FREE. That was fantastic service on their part. It shows that they weren't interested in ripping money from us. We didn't have to buy Avengers twice while waiting. Thank you!
You're not paying a lot per movie. If you want the movies, go buy them separately. I'm sure there's plenty good sales on them this month. If you want a COLLECTOR'S SET, buy this. Your money is paying for useless, fun, fanboy crap. And for fanboys, it's awesome.
As for the new...
Collector's Set Packaging Woes
To preface this review, let me state that it is in no way a comment about the films themselves. They are all wonderful. The two stars are for the packaging and content of the Collector's Set, which arrived at my door about half an hour ago.
I've had this on pre-order since it first appeared back in July of 2012. I never canceled my pre-order, so I ended up getting it for $139.99 (plus tax, now that Amazon has to comply with tax code). Would I buy it again for this price? Well, probably, because purchasing each of the film versions included individually would cost almost $200, so you're getting a great price cut on the whole set. With a savings of nearly $60, why would I only "probably" buy it again? Each of the discs is packaged in a glossy cardboard sleeve, and on delivery, some of my discs were already scratched from sliding. All of the disc sleeves are inserted with the sleeve openings angled towards the back of the case, resulting in sliding during shipment and storage...
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