Sunday, May 3, 2015

Discarded Lovers (The Film Detective Restored Version) Big SALE

Title : Discarded Lovers (The Film Detective Restored Version)
Category: Movies
Brand: The Film Detective
Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 4.0
Buyer Review : 9

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This kind of thing gives exceeded out prospect, this one has turned into a wonderfull buy for myself personally, The idea came securely as well as speedily Discarded Lovers (The Film Detective Restored Version)

The first ever film from Tower Productions, responsible for the long running television serial “Space Patrol,” and directed by longtime Harold Lloyd collaborator Fred C. Newmeyer, “Discarded Lovers” is a murder mystery elevated by sharp dialogue and solid performances. When sexy blonde film star Irma Gladden is murdered after filming the final scene in her latest movie, everyone around her is a suspect, each with their own compelling motive in this early talkie starring Natalie Moorhead (“The Thin Man”) as the ill-fated, troubled film star.

This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

This product is expected to play back in DVD Video "play only" devices, and may not play in other DVD devices, including recorders and PC drives.

Review :
Pure Roasted Corn Before It Got Stale
It is really important to keep the age of the movie in mind. It is a "she done him wrong movie" and boy did that dame rack up the bodies.

The plot was filed with subtle jokes and old school twists. The budget was limited; you can tell that this was a stage bound production. There were two or three uncured hams but all in all a good kick back movie. If you have an hour to burn and are willing to take a step back in time it could be enjoyable to true film fanatics and historians.

very good for the era
i love old movies the good guy always wins they are not graphic and fun to watch todays films are too real!

"Say, What Are Ya Tryin' Ta Do, Make A Mug Outta Me?!"...
DISCARDED LOVERS opens on a movie set, where Irma Gladden (Natalie Moorhead), the female lead in a new melodrama, is almost shot by her insanely jealous husband, Ande (Roy D'Arcy- REVOLT OF THE ZOMBIES). Irma's been having an affair w/ Rex Forsythe (Jason Robards Sr.), among others. Tensions build as Irma's promiscuous behavior causes feelings of bitterness and even revenge. If that's not enough, there's Irma's crooked chauffeur as well! When Irma is found dead from a gunshot wound, the suspect list is very long! Soon however, one of the suspects is found dead! Police are suitably baffled, but ace reporter, Bob Adair (Russell Hopton) is hunting down leads. What clues are to be found in the movie that Irma was working on? DISCARDED LOVERS is an entertaining "whodunnit" from 1932. Comic relief comes in the form of an imbecilic cop named Delaney (Fred Kelsey), who is your basic boob. An enjoyable yarn that, at only 57 minutes long, zips along nicely...

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