Monday, May 4, 2015

Girls in Chains (The Film Detective Restored Version) On Sale

Title : Girls in Chains (The Film Detective Restored Version)
Category: Movies
Brand: The Film Detective
Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 3.3
Buyer Review : 6

Description : This kind of Girls in Chains (The Film Detective Restored Version) works great, simple to operate and change. The price of this became reduced than other areas we explored, and never a lot more than equivalent merchendise

This specific subject delivers surpasses out anticipation, this one has developed into a amazing upgrade on myself, The concept arrived properly and also quickly Girls in Chains (The Film Detective Restored Version)

Shot in just five days for a meager $20,000, “Girls in Chains” was nonetheless a massive success at the time of its release thanks in part to the tactful direction of B-movie maestro Edgar G. Ulmer, former apprentice to Fritz Lang and William Wyler. Arline Judge (“The Mysterious Mr. Wong”) plays Helen Martin, a clean-cut girl who is forced to accept a position at a girls correctional facility after she loses her respectable teaching position because her sister is married to a notorious criminal.

This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

This product is expected to play back in DVD Video "play only" devices, and may not play in other DVD devices, including recorders and PC drives.

Review :
The cover art is misleading......
What you see on the cover is not what you get.However,this movie was still entertaining enough.There are girls in a cellar that are used as playthings for two momma's boys who live with their mother(who we don't see till the end),one brother has the mind of a 5 year old. They have mommy issues that are reminiscent of Norman Bates but 1000's of light years away from the Hitchcock horror classic .They use dog leash collar chains when they take the girls out to play.Never do they chain any girls up.The monster on the cover is not in the movie and there are no bars,only a rack on a cellar window with a bunk bed.The house where most of the movie takes place is a neat nice looking home in a secluded part of a suburb.The torture is more mental then anything else.A twisted drama,so no whips and chains.Expect some gratuitous nudity without any S&M or gore(i.e. bloody torture) if your looking at buying "Girls in Chains"based solely on the cover alone.3 stars for some funny scenes.Good for a...
This DVD was exactly as I remembered the old film. The quality is about average but it's worth buying if you loved the original. I had actually forgotten the last 50 minutes and it was a whole new pleasant surprise to me! The story reminds me of Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho movie! Maybe it copied the story? A Bonus is the film is burned on the DVD twice in different screen size versions. The second is in the Features Section. This IS my No:1 Movie choice for a Thriller, Psycho, Porn, Titillation sexy Girl Movie!! Thank you for Distributing this DVD Version, and NOT censoring it more than the original. Please consider making a Modern version of this great Story!! It still scared me today!! My only disappointment was the Photo Gallery, only about 4 photos and they were Posters!

girls in chains
I wanted to see this movie ever since I saw the official trailer for "Schoolgirls in Chaiins" as a feature
on another CodeRed DVD. It's pretty low budget, but some parts are serious. In fact, this film had pretty descent acting,
which is a shock considering the type of movie it is. The video quality sucks though!! It's like an ancient VHS release!
This isn't actually a bad thing, since the grain and the static lines add some atmosphere and nolstalgia, but it appears
to be untouched whatsoever from the vhs transfer. The story itself is reminiscent of Psycho and Halloween, even though it predates Halloween by 5 years. Two insane brothers abduct young beautiful women and chain them up in the cellar, where they are mistreated and
subjected to childish games and sexual tortures. I found the main suspense to start when the final victim's boyfriend begins getting suspicious when he learns she is missing. I was like "Finally! This movie picks up and is going...

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