Thursday, May 7, 2015

On The Verge On Sale

Title : On The Verge
Category: Movies

Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 3.5
Buyer Review : 4

Review :
Skip It
Amateur acting, uninspired visuals and jumpy camerawork deliver a boorish, frat party story line. Twenty minutes in, I'd had more than enough of this self-involved gang of sexist jerks. Skip it.

This film's unfiltered take on modern relationships and sexual innuendo ...
This film's unfiltered take on modern relationships and sexual innuendo places it outside the norm of typical rom-coms. Screenplay is sharp and dialogue superb. Soundtrack entirely from the Milwaukee music scene. True independent work. What low budget indie is supposed to be. Your face will hurt

Funny and Off the Beaten Path
I liked it. I was in the mood for a comedy. I read the description, saw the humorous picture of the guy grabbing his package on the cover and was thinking it would be a raunchy and fun comedy. It totally fit the bill. I read some of the other reviews and it amuses me when someone rips a movie like this as if they were expecting Citizen Kane or Gone With the Wind. I don't think that is what the film makers were going for here. It's a fun, light-hearted, risque comedy. I laughed out loud several times which is rare for me. A perfect rental.

I also liked the fact that there were no "name" actors in this and the actors did a good job. I could see a big studio putting Paul Rudd in this same exact movie as the main guy and making a bunch of money on it. But there is something refreshing about seeing new faces. You buy into the story more. Same thing for the locations. I liked seeing a different city. You could tell this wasn't LA pretending to be the mid-west in winter...

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