Monday, May 11, 2015

Salvador Allende Big SALE

Title : Salvador Allende
Category: Movies

Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 5.0
Buyer Review : 4

Review :
A Sharp Portrait Of An Icon And A Reflection On Memory.
Patricio Guzman, Chile's poet-documentarian, remains haunted and riveted by what happened in his country during the revolutionary years of Salvador Allende's administration and the US-backed fascist coup which ended it. Guzman has been chronicling the Chilean Revolution and its tragic end since the beginning, having made the best documentary on the subject, "The Battle Of Chile" which ranks with the great political films like "The Battle Of Algiers" and "Z." With "Salvador Allende" Guzman produces both a detailed, sharp portrait of a key Latin American icon and a haunting reflection on memory, exile and the passage of time.

Guzman's film begins with the remaining objects which belonged to Allende, his hands search through a wallet and we see behind museum glass Allende's fractured glasses, found after the Chilean army's coup plotters bombed the presidential palace. Guzman interviews both exiles who fled the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship which followed Allende's downfall and...
Best video source for a left view of Allende
Watch it! Best video source for a left view of Allende, helps to give a balanced approach without surrendering to the other side.

The true story of Salvador Allende
Some years have passed since I first read the story of this wonderful man in William Blum's book 'Rogue State'. A book that led me to so many historic events which were opposite to what the media and it's puppeteers were telling us.
He was the predecessor to Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, Lula of Brazil, Evo Morales of Bolivia, the Kirchners of Argentina and other new leaders of Latin America who are looking after their own economies without being indebted to the IMF or World Bank, who with their crippling interest rates have broken the lives of citizens and bankrupted entire countries, ie Spain, Ireland and Greece.
This documentary I found enlightening and I was most impressed to see so much original footage. Anyone who truly wants to reach back into the history of Latin America should read 'Open Veins of Latin America'; this along with Neruda's poems are the only books Isabel Allende, niece of Salvador took with her wrapped in her baby's nappies, in the one suitcase she was...

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