Saturday, May 9, 2015

Ashpet: An American Cinderella SALE

Title : Ashpet: An American Cinderella
Category: Movies

Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 4.0
Buyer Review : 4

Review :
Southern charm added to a classic tale
"Ashpet" is a Cinderella story with more wit and charm than most retellings of the tale. This version is set pre-World War II and the prince is a soldier getting ready to go to war. The stepmother isn't as vicious as the eldest stepsister, Thelma, who wants a husband and doesn't like housework. Thelma is determined to use any method within her means including buying a charm from Dark Sally to wear to the Victory Dance.
My favorite element of the film is the subsitution of Dark Sally, a wise conjure-woman, into the traditional fairy godmother role. Dark Sally likes intelligent, hard-working girls, not lazy, silly girls like the stepsisters. She asks riddles and likes to tell stories with hidden meanings to anyone smart enough to listen. In this case the heroine Ashpet, rightfully known as Lily, is a great listener. Dark Sally doesn't use magic or charms to prepare Ashpet for the dance. She advises a bath and an inherited dress to enhance Lily's natural beauty...
Five Stars
My wife loves this movie... for some reason haha. Exactly what she wanted! Thanks!

Davenport Excels
These videos are excellent for the classroom! I thoroughly recommend any of them. Wish he would produce more.

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