Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mesa of Lost Women (The Film Detective Restored Version) On Sale

Title : Mesa of Lost Women (The Film Detective Restored Version)
Category: Movies
Brand: The Film Detective
Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 2.8
Buyer Review : 35

Description : This specific Mesa of Lost Women (The Film Detective Restored Version) functions great, easy to use along with change. The price for this is reduced when compared with other areas we investigates, and never a lot more as compared to equivalent product or service

This type of subject Offer surpasses own prospect, that one has chaned into a great buy for me personally, The thought appeared securely and swiftly Mesa of Lost Women (The Film Detective Restored Version)

Spider-women lure men to their death in this thriller from the golden era of Drive-in schlock!  This story of a mad scientist (Jackie Coogan) is regarded as one of the worst movies ever made.  Still, dig the crazy guitar and piano score which was purloined by Ed Wood Jr. for Jail Bait, and notice a couple of Wood regulars (Dolores Fuller and Lyle Talbot) in the credits. What you have here is a sort of cousin to  the films of Ed Wood,  but one that can stand on its own as being truly awful. Enjoy!

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This product is expected to play back in DVD Video "play only" devices, and may not play in other DVD devices, including recorders and PC drives.

Review :
A difficult and preachy film that falls into that slender catagory of 1950's sci-fi/horror set outside the United States and in Mexico - South of the Border chillers (KRONOS is another) - where the labor was cheap, the deserts always dry and the talent always in a sweat. The story behind MESA is simple enough - a mad doctor has crossed the power of a spider with the sexual wiles of the female form - creating a labor force of immortal, super strong and mute women who do his every bidding, biting and killing for... reasons unknown. Like all mad scientists he simply does what he does because he can... no reason needed. While MESA comes up short in many ways (is it a cautionary tale? Is it an environmental feature?), it does have it's moments - the best being found in Harmon Stevens performance as Dr. Leland Masterson - a man turned mad by the experiments of Dr. Arana (our evil villian) - whose performance is a near exact copy of Lon Chaney Jr. as "Lenny" in OF MICE AND MEN...
Average DVD of legendary Z-chiller
I would have to include Mesa of Lost Women in that unique subgenre of "is it spellbindingly awful or just awful?" (members of which include The Creeping Terror, Beast of Yucca Flats, They Saved Hitler's Brain, Teenage Devil Dolls, Battlefield Earth, etc.). Bad movie fans may find this a scream, or merely dull depending on their taste and mind-set at the time of viewing (and how many Carl Dreyer films they've made it through). No rants please, I love Carl Dreyer movies. It is fairly slow-moving, even for a poverty-stricken 50s thriller, and that guitar-and-piano score has the potential to put the most stable person in the rubber room. That said, the plot, dialogue, characterizations, etc. are so loony that there is much to marvel at for those tough enough to stick it out: Jackie (Uncle Fester) Coogan as a demented scientist, Spider-Babe Tandra Quinn's bizarre dance stylings, mutant midgets, florid narration, etc. And this is mandatory viewing for fans of that giant spider...
Mesa Of Uncle Fester
Mesa Of Lost Women is one of my favorite hunks of cheese! Jackie Coogan (yep, uncle Fester) is a mad scientist, working with petuitary gland transplants. He's successfully transplanted tarantula glands into human women (it doesn't work on men, only turns them into evil dwarves), turning them into mute amazons with extremely tacky wigs. Another scientist visits Dr. Fester and sees the horrible experiments. He refuses to help, so the head spider-woman "Taran-Tella" (Tandra Quinn) injects him with a serum that seems to make him bonkers. The good doctor ends up in the nuthouse, only to escape out a window. Anyway, he seeks revenge on Taran-Tella and shoots her (after she is allowed to dance in a saloon, causing hearts to race). The vengeful, nutty doctor then forces a pilot (Allan Nixon) to take him back to the mesa. Lots of spider-women and dwarves roam around aimlessly. A giant, stuffed tarantula flops onto a hapless victim or two, and fun is had by all. The ending is no surprise, but...

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