Monday, May 4, 2015

Lawless Land (The Film Detective Restored Version) On Sale

Title : Lawless Land (The Film Detective Restored Version)
Category: Movies
Brand: The Film Detective
Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 5.0
Buyer Review : 3

Description : This kind of Lawless Land (The Film Detective Restored Version) works excellent, simple to use as well as adjust. The cost of this became dramatically reduced than other areas we reviewed, and not much more as compared to equivalent item

This kind of thing delivers surpasses the anticipation, that one has turned into a wonderfull replace on me personally, The theory came securely and swiftly Lawless Land (The Film Detective Restored Version)

The Law Is Paralyzed and a Six-Gun Rules the Range...Until Johnny Mack Brown Thunders Into Action In His Most Exciting Adventure!  Brown was one of Hollywood’s most popular Western heroes during the 1930s and ‘40s.  In Lawless Land he plays Ranger Jeff Hayden, a heroic type who is avenging the death of a murdered sheriff. This action-packed yarn from Supreme Pictures was directed by Albert Ray (A Shriek in the Night) and features a stunning performance of ‘La Cucaracha’ by the Chiquita Hernandez Orchestra!

This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

This product is expected to play back in DVD Video "play only" devices, and may not play in other DVD devices, including recorders and PC drives.

Review :
A Star That Time Forgot
The Hollywood star system is a funny game. Some stars shoot very, very brightly for a long time and then for some reason fade out and are forgotten forever.

Other stars - think James Dean - only do a couple of movies, but seem to remain popular forever.

There is really no way to explain this interesting phenomenon.

What it does do is make it possible for dedicated film buffs to discover long forgotten talent and thrill to different movies than the ones that seem to be shown over and over again on cable.

Johnny Mack Brown is this type of star. He was huge in the 1930s and appeared in dozens of films. In some ways he was as popular as Bruce Willis is today.

Yet, almost no one remembers him.

If you are new to the Johnny Mark Brown ouvre of film, and you like westerns, I'd suggest you give it a shot.

This is a great, classic western film and it showcases exactly why Brown was so popular back in his day. He brings...
Very Early Western
This is one of the earliest well produced sound westerns. As such, it works as the template for many similar films that would come out in the 1940s and even some modern films. The plot is the same as "Last Man Standing" where a group of outlaws take over an entire town adn a hero with a six gun has to come in and clean it up because the cops are too scared to do anything about it. Of course the hero rides into town, kills the bad guys and lets innocent people live in peace. There is a reason that after this film came out Hollywood kept making more movies with the same plot.
Our "Golden Age"club meets each Thursday to view movies from the last century (that is from the 30s and 40s, or even earlier years). We have many die-hard Johnny Mack Brown fans in our club and there was a near riot last week when it was announced that we would be viewing one of his classic Movies on DVD. There was-expectedly-a lot of backslapping and excited banter as the boys filed out of the room. Johnny's ability to hold your attention is outstanding and we felt we had spent our time profitably. Thanks a2zcds for preserving this old movie on DVD. The picture and audio quality are outstanding and I thoroughly enjoyed viewing the movie!"

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